Invoice Tax IDs
Learn how to add a Tax ID to your Doppler invoice.
If you need a specific Tax ID (e.g., your VAT tax ID) to show up on Doppler invoices, you can add one to your workplace's billing settings. Once added, the Tax ID will be included on all future invoices that are generated for your workplace.
Adding a Tax ID
- Browse to the Billing area for your workplace.
- Scroll down to the Billing Information section and click the Edit link.
- Under Invoice Information, check the "Include Tax ID on invoices" option, choose your Tax ID type (you can find the correct Tax ID type in the Supported Tax IDs table below), and then enter your Tax ID.
Supported Tax IDs
Country | Tax ID Type | Example |
Andorra | Andorran NRT number | A-123456-Z |
Argentina | Argentinian tax ID number | 12-3456789-01 |
Australia | Australian Business Number (AU ABN) | 12345678912 |
Australia | Australian Taxation Office Reference Number | 123456789123 |
Austria | European VAT number | ATU12345678 |
Belgium | European VAT number | BE0123456789 |
Bolivia | Bolivian tax ID | 123456789 |
Brazil | Brazilian CNPJ number | 01.234.456/5432-10 |
Brazil | Brazilian CPF number | 123.456.789-87 |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria Unified Identification Code | 123456789 |
Bulgaria | European VAT number | BG0123456789 |
Canada | Canadian BN | 123456789 |
Canada | Canadian GST/HST number | 123456789RT0002 |
Canada | Canadian PST number (British Columbia) | PST-1234-5678 |
Canada | Canadian PST number (Manitoba) | 123456-7 |
Canada | Canadian PST number (Saskatchewan) | 1234567 |
Canada | Canadian QST number (QuΓ©bec) | 1234567890TQ1234 |
Chile | Chilean TIN | 12.345.678-K |
China | Chinese tax ID | 123456789012345678 |
Colombia | Colombian NIT number | 123.456.789-0 |
Costa Rica | Costa Rican tax ID | 1-234-567890 |
Croatia | European VAT number | HR12345678912 |
Cyprus | European VAT number | CY12345678Z |
Czech Republic | European VAT number | CZ1234567890 |
Denmark | European VAT number | DK12345678 |
Dominican Republic | Dominican RCN number | 123-4567890-1 |
Ecuador | Ecuadorian RUC number | 1234567890001 |
Egypt | Egyptian Tax Identification Number | 123456789 |
El Salvador | El Salvadorian NIT number | 1234-567890-123-4 |
Estonia | European VAT number | EE123456789 |
EU | European One Stop Shop VAT number for non-Union scheme | EU123456789 |
Finland | European VAT number | FI12345678 |
France | European VAT number | FRAB123456789 |
Georgia | Georgian VAT | 123456789 |
Germany | European VAT number | DE123456789 |
Greece | European VAT number | EL123456789 |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong BR number | 12345678 |
Hungary | European VAT number | HU12345678 |
Hungary | Hungary tax number (adΓ³szΓ‘m) | 12345678-1-23 |
Iceland | Icelandic VAT | 123456 |
India | Indian GST number | 12ABCDE3456FGZH |
Indonesia | Indonesian NPWP number | 12.345.678.9-012.345 |
Ireland | European VAT number | IE1234567AB |
Israel | Israel VAT | 12345 |
Italy | European VAT number | IT12345678912 |
Japan | Japanese Corporate Number (HΕjin BangΕ) | 1234567891234 |
Japan | Japanese Registered Foreign Businesses' Registration Number (TΕroku Kokugai JigyΕsha no TΕroku BangΕ) | 12345 |
Japan | Japanese Tax Registration Number (TΕroku BangΕ) | T1234567891234 |
Kenya | Kenya Revenue Authority Personal Identification Number | P000111111A |
Latvia | European VAT number | LV12345678912 |
Liechtenstein | Liechtensteinian UID number | CHEΒ 123456789 |
Lithuania | European VAT number | LT123456789123 |
Luxembourg | European VAT number | LU12345678 |
Malaysia | Malaysian FRP number | 12345678 |
Malaysia | Malaysian ITN | C 1234567890 |
Malaysia | Malaysian SST number | A12-3456-78912345 |
Malta | European VAT number | MT12345678 |
Mexico | Mexican RFC number | ABC010203AB9 |
Netherlands | European VAT number | NL123456789B12 |
New Zealand | New Zealand GST number | 123456789 |
Norway | Norwegian VAT number | 123456789MVA |
Peru | Peruvian RUC number | 12345678901 |
Philippines | Philippines Tax Identification Number | 123456789012 |
Poland | European VAT number | PL1234567890 |
Portugal | European VAT number | PT123456789 |
Romania | European VAT number | RO1234567891 |
Romania | Romanian tax ID number | 1234567890123 |
Russia | Russian INN | 1234567891 |
Russia | Russian KPP | 123456789 |
Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia VAT | 123456789012345 |
Serbia | Serbian PIB number | 123456789 |
Singapore | Singaporean GST | M12345678X |
Singapore | Singaporean UEN | 123456789F |
Slovakia | European VAT number | SK1234567891 |
Slovenia | European VAT number | SI12345678 |
Slovenia | Slovenia tax number (davΔna Ε‘tevilka) | 12345678 |
South Africa | South African VAT number | 4123456789 |
South Korea | Korean BRN | 123-45-67890 |
Spain | Spanish NIF number (previously Spanish CIF number) | A12345678 |
Spain | European VAT number | ESA1234567Z |
Sweden | European VAT number | SE123456789123 |
Switzerland | Switzerland VAT number | CHE-123.456.789 MWST |
Taiwan | Taiwanese VAT | 12345678 |
Thailand | Thai VAT | 1234567891234 |
Turkey | Turkish Tax Identification Number | 123456789 |
Ukraine | Ukrainian VAT | 123456789 |
United Arab Emirates | United Arab Emirates TRN | 123456789012345 |
United Kingdom | Northern Ireland VAT number | XI123456789 |
United Kingdom | United Kingdom VAT number | GB123456789 |
United States | United States EIN | 12-3456789 |
Uruguay | Uruguayan RUC number | 123456789012 |
Venezuela | Venezuelan RIF number | A-12345678-9 |
Vietnam | Vietnamese tax ID number | 1234567890 |
Updated over 1 year ago