February 2025
7 days ago
- Added support for syncing secrets to GitHub Dependabot to the GitHub integration.
- Added support for creating Azure Key Vault syncs and Azure Key Vault (Service Principal) integrations via API.
- Added the ability for users to reset secrets in a branch to the root's value when the root contains references.
- Added links that can now direct users to the source of a referenced secret.
- Added support for syncing multiple secrets to the GCP Secret Manager sync.
- Users can now edit rotated secret names and rotation intervals.
- Added support to the Vercel integration for syncing to Vercel's new custom environments.
- Fixed request timeouts during SCIM operations when sending emails in workplaces with many users.
- Fixed an issue with the Laravel Forge sync where sites were only being populated for the first server.
- Fixed a bug with the Render integration that caused it to disable if the redeploy option was enabled for a service that was suspended.
- Improved error messaging for certain Railway integration errors.
January 2025
about 1 month ago
- Added support for OIDC Auth with Service Account Identities.
- Added support for syncing secrets to AWS Secrets Manager as individual secrets.
- Launched GitHub Codespaces integration.
- Improved UX for long secret reminders to prevent long secret reminders from collapsing secret names.
- Added support for syncing secrets to AWS Parameter Store as a JSON object in a single secret.
- Fixed save error related to inherited secrets where saving a secret that is referenced by a config that also inherits a separate config.
- Added the ability to view users who reviewed a Change Request on the review page.
- Added support for syncing to specific environments when creating GitLab integration syncs.
- Launched new API support for Config Inheritance.
November 2024
3 months ago
- Released Doppler Terraform Provider v1.12.0. This update adds the ability to update AWS resource tags for Secrets Manager and Parameter Store syncs. Tags are critical for categorization, visibility, and consistency and extending this capability to Terraform directly solves a frequent challenge teams have.
- Doppler CLI v3.70.0 released which provides an increased number of projects that can be fetched at once and allows doppler secrets substitute to use environment vars.
- Added the ability to invite new users to the workplace from a projects member page making it easier to take action where you are in the moment.
- Fixed a bug where attempting to reveal inherited config values from the config page triggered an infinite loop of requests. Configs inherited from a different project were not affected.
- Updated billing page to show usage towards feature limits for your workplace to save yourself the stress of guessing. Users with access to the Billing page can check it out here.
- Fixed an issue with importing secrets that was preventing importing secrets from another config if they match inherited secrets.
- Increased the max number of projects returned from the API to accommodate up to 1000.
- Added the ability for users to update the billing email for their workplace via the Billing page.
- Fixed an issue where change requests could be stuck in an âopenâ status after the request was actioned on.
- Our Postman integration now lists environments by workspace, making it easier to find the target environment to sync to.
October 2024
4 months ago
- Added new HTTPS generic webhook for Activity Log Forwarding.
- Added support to sync config secrets into a single Azure Key Vault secret as a JSON string, providing more flexibility in how you consume Doppler secrets in Azure.
- Added the ability to assign workplace roles directly to groups, granting consistent permissions to all members while preventing privilege escalation beyond the manager's own role.
- Increased webhook timeout to 20 seconds, ensuring more reliable request handling for Lambda functions and reducing timeout errors.
- Updated our Harness integration to support service account tokens, making it easier to manage secure access.
- Reintroduced our referral program, making it easy to share Doppler with your networkâspread the word with a few clicks from the side nav in your Workplace.
- Became an official MongoDB technology partner, highlighting our integration to automate the rotation & management of database credentials for MongoDB Atlas.
- Optimized GitHub Actions integration for customers with extensive repos by loading up to 500, and switching to a text input for faster access when counts are higherâpreventing timeouts and simplifying selection.
- Moved Workplace invites to the account settings for better organization and easier access.
- Improved Change Request suggestions to include secret names from branch configs, making it easier to manage new secrets unique to branches.
- Added an in-app prompt for users as their trial ends, directing them to either upgrade with billing details or downgradeâmaking next steps clear and accessible.
- Resolved an issue in our GitLab integration to ensure smooth syncing for configs with over 20 secrets, preventing update failures and saving troubleshooting time.
- Resolved issues in Bitbucket, Deno Deploy, GitLab, and Harness integrations to ensure Inherited Config secrets are fully removed on sync deletion, and fixed Harness re-syncs for configs with over 20 secrets to prevent failures.