
Learn how to troubleshoot problems with the Doppler Kubernetes Operator

Inspecting Status

If the operator fails to fetch secrets from the Doppler API (e.g. a connection problem or invalid service token), no changes are made to the managed Kubernetes secret or your deployments. The operator will continue to attempt to reconnect to the Doppler API indefinitely.

The DopplerSecret uses status.conditions to report its current state and any errors that may have occurred.

In this example, our Doppler service token has been revoked and the operator is reporting an error condition:

$ kubectl describe dopplersecrets -n doppler-operator-system
Name:         dopplersecret-test
Namespace:    doppler-operator-system
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         DopplerSecret
    Last Transition Time:  2021-06-02T15:46:57Z
    Message:               Secret update failed: Doppler Error: Invalid Service token
    Reason:                Error
    Status:                False
    Last Transition Time:  2021-06-02T15:46:57Z
    Message:               Deployment reload has been stopped due to secrets sync failure
    Reason:                Stopped
    Status:                False
Events:                    <none>

You can safely modify your token Kubernetes secret or DopplerSecret at any time. To update our Doppler service token, we can modify our token Kubernetes secret directly and the changes will take effect immediately.

The DopplerSecret resource manages the managed Kubernetes secret but does not officially own it. Therefore, deleting a DopplerSecret will not automatically delete the managed secret.

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