Doppler Kubernetes Operator

Kubernetes secrets sync automation with deployment auto-reload on secrets change.

Architecture diagram

TheΒ Doppler Secrets OperatorΒ is a background service that syncs secrets to Kubernetes with automatic deployment updates to ensure applications always have the latest version of secrets.

More specifically, the operator is a controller deployed inside your Kubernetes cluster within its own dedicatedΒ doppler-operator-systemΒ namespace so RBAC policies can tightly restrict access.

The operator usesΒ DopplerSecretΒ custom resourcesΒ which define what Doppler configs to sync, the name of the associated Kubernetes secret the operator will manage as well what namespace it should be created in.

The operator is then solely responsible for continuously syncing secret updates in Doppler to its managed Kubernetes secrets and can optionally automatically reload any deployments that reference a managed secret.