Bitbucket + Doppler CLI

Learn how to easily manage environment variables for your Bitbucket Pipelines.

This guide will show you how to use Doppler to provide config and secrets to Bitbucket Pipelines for builds and deployments.


  • You have created a project in Doppler.
  • You have an existing Bitbucket repository with access to repository and deployment variables.

Bitbucket Environment

We'll create a custom environment for BitBucket as it doesn't exactly fit into the default Development, Staging, or Production environments.

Head to the Project page and click Options > Create Environment. Then once you've given it a name, you can alter the order of the environments as you as like.

GIF of creating an environment in the Doppler UI

Environment Configs

Branch Configs can be used to match how Bitbucket scopes variables (repository and deployments), but only create the configs you need. For example, if only using repository variables, then no branch configs are necessary.

If you are using repository variables and deployments, here's how we recommend you use branch configs:

  • root
    The root config (bb in our example) could contain secrets used by build and deployment jobs, e.g. AWS credentials. These secrets will be inherited by branch configs unless deleted.

  • repo
    Repository variables

  • test, staging, and production
    Deployment environments

For example:

Screenshot of example environment structure

Import Variables

The next step is the one-time manual operation of importing your variables to Doppler. If you're after an automated solution, check out the CLI Variables Import section.

Service Tokens

Now that your secrets are in Doppler, you'll create Service Tokens to grant read-only access to each config.

A Bitbucket config scope (e.g. repository variables) needs only a DOPPLER_TOKEN variable with the value of the Service Token that maps to the appropriate config. For example:

Doppler ConfigBitbucket ConfigBitbucket Variable
rootRepository variablesDOPPLER_TOKEN
testingTesting DeploymentDOPPLER_TOKEN
stagingStaging DeploymentDOPPLER_TOKEN
productionProduction DeploymentDOPPLER_TOKEN

Here's how to add the Service Token to Bitbucket, and it's the same process for the remaining configs.

GIF showing adding a service token in the Doppler UI


Fetching secrets from Doppler is a two-step process:

  1. Install the Doppler CLI
  2. Use doppler run to inject environment variables into a command or script


Optimize builds by embedding the Doppler CLI

Installing the Doppler CLI in your build-specific image is recommended to reduce build times and remove the CLI install step.

Here is a simple example:

image: ubuntu
    - step:
          - apt-get update && apt-get install gnupg wget -y
          - wget -t 3 -qO- | sh
          - doppler run -- ./bin/ # Build script or command
image: alpine
    - step:
          - apk add wget gnupg
          - wget -t 3 -qO- | sh
          - doppler run -- ./bin/ # Build script or command

Which produces the following:

Screenshot of Bitbucket UI


Amazing Work!

You're now set up using Doppler to provide secrets to your Bitbucket Pipelines.

(Optional) CLI Variables Import

You can automate the importing of repository and deployment variables to Doppler using bash and the jq CLI.


"Secure" repository variables will have a value of "null" on import and will need to be entered manually into the Doppler dashboard.

First, define the global variables required by all commands and you'll need to create a temporary Bitbucket App Password to provide API access.

# Global variables used in all following commands

Repository Variables

Run doppler setup to select the project and config to import the Bitbucket repository variables to.

doppler setup # Select the project and config for importing to

Then feed the repository variables to doppler secrets upload in environment variable format.


# Import repository variables
doppler secrets upload <(curl -s -u "$WORKPLACE:$APP_PASSWORD" "$REPO_VARS_ENDPOINT" | jq -r '.values | to_entries[] | "\(.value.key)=\"\(.value.value)\""')

Deployment Variables

Deployment variables are imported from one environment at a time.

We first get the list of deployments and expose each environment uuid as a variable to be used in the following step.

# Compute Bitbucket API deployment environments endpoint

# Fetch JSON and expose as environment variables with a `_BITBUCKET_ENV_UUID` suffix
eval $(curl -s -u "$WORKPLACE:$APP_PASSWORD" "$WORKPLACE/$REPO_SLUG/environments/" | jq -r '.values | to_entries[] | "export \(|=ascii_upcase|\"\(.value.uuid|=sub("\\{";"%7B")|.value.uuid|=sub("\\}";"%7D")|.value.uuid)\""')

# Confirm environment variables created
printenv | grep BITBUCKET_ENV_UUID

Importing the variables is then a three-step process that's repeated for every environment.

# 1. Select config that deployment variables will be imported to
doppler setup

# 2. Construct the URL to fetch deployment variables using the appropriate `BITBUCKET_ENV_UUID` environment variable, e.g. $PRODUCTION_BITBUCKET_ENV_UUID

# 3. Import variables
doppler secrets upload <(curl -s -u "$WORKPLACE:$APP_PASSWORD" "$DEPLOYMENT_VARIABLES_ENDPOINT" | jq -r '.values | to_entries[] |  "\(.value.key)=\"\(.value.value)\""')