Root Configs

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Traditionally adding, updating, and rolling secrets would be a tedious and error-prone process task. Sharing those secrets over insecure mediums like email, Slack, and your codebase, then manually pasting them into configs for staging and production. Sounds painful!

Thankfully, those days are behind you with Projects and Root Configs, also known as Environments.

The New Way

A project starts with three default root configs that represent the typical environments: Dev, Stg, and Prd.

Each root config holds a master list of secrets for that environment. When a root config secret is updated, it will automatically update the secret in any Branch Configs stemming from that root config.

Root configs are your secure and automated way to deploy changes across your entire project.


Custom Environments

You're also able to completely customize the list of environments (and order) for a project, e.g adding a CI environment for build specific secrets.


Updating Across Environments

When adding or updating a secret, you're able to mirror the change to any of the other environments inside the project you're working in. This allows you to quickly modify any secrets that are the same across multiple configs all at once.


Using secret references may work better in some scenarios where you would otherwise need to do this, so be sure to consider using those instead where it makes sense!

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