Mounted Container File (not recommended)

We no longer recommend mounting a .env file via a Doppler populated Kubernetes secret and instead, encourage you to use container environment variables where possible and only use mounted container files when necessary, e.g. TLS certificate.


Avoid Mounting an .env File

This guide was originally intended to help developers currently mounting a .env file inside their containers transition to Doppler as easily as possible.

But we've now taken a strong stance against using .env files in all cases so we no longer recommend this approach be taken.

Take a look at our documented alternatives:

If you're unsure of how to transition to using a non .env file solution for Kubernetes, reach out in the Doppler Community Forum or contact us at [email protected].


  • Experience with deploying applications on Kubernetes

Service Token

Accessing your secrets in a production or CI/CD environment using the Doppler CLI requires a Service Token to provide read-only access to a specific config via the DOPPLER_TOKEN environment variable.


If you're unable to alter your Docker image to use the Doppler CLI and your application requires a secrets or config file, this guide will show you how to use Doppler to create a Kubernetes secret to mount as a file inside your container.

Create Kubernetes Secret

For this example, we're mounting a .env file inside the container, although this approach works equally well for any file type.

kubectl create secret generic doppler-dotenv --from-literal dotenv="$(doppler secrets download --no-file --format env)"

Then describe the secret to ensure it was created successfully:

kubectl describe secret doppler-dotenv

Create Pod

Let's create a Pod that will use the doppler-dotenv secret to mount the .env file inside your container. Save the below Pod spec as doppler-dotenv-pod.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: doppler-dotenv
  restartPolicy: Never
    - name: doppler-dotenv
      image: alpine
      # Cat the file for testing purposes only
      args: ["cat", "/usr/src/app/secrets/.env"]
        - name: secret-volume
          readOnly: true
          mountPath: /usr/src/app/secrets
    - name: secret-volume
        secretName: doppler-dotenv
          - key: dotenv
            path: .env

Create the Pod by running:

kubectl apply -f doppler-dotenv-pod.yaml

To confirm the .env file was mounted successfully, view the container logs:

kubectl logs doppler-dotenv

You should see the contents of the .env file as output in the logs.

Cleaning up

To delete the Kubernetes Secret and Pod we created, run:

kubectl delete pod/doppler-dotenv secret/doppler-dotenv


Awesome Work!

Now you know to use Doppler to create a Kubernetes secret to mount as a file inside your container.